He does fall to his knees, though, and looks up:Īnd what does he see through the smoke and fire from the explosions Chewie set off? Finn and Rey, standing on a ledge high above him. To recap, after running his dad through and dropping him into a pit Kylo Ren is shot by an enraged and grieving Chewbacca and sadly does not die. The man had just killed his father and he was taking that moment to fixate on his former minion. Looking through the movie recently for footage to edit, though, I was chilled to realize that the longer focus on Finn wasn’t the camera emphasizing his reaction over Rey’s rather, we were getting a Kylo Ren’s-eye view of Ren staring at Finn. Finn and Han had built an understanding and mutual respect, but I never got the sense there was a deep emotional connection between them.

She was the one who had built up a rapport with Han, to the extent Ren realized from his mind probe that she saw him as a father figure, and she was the one who wept at Han’s death. To preface, I always thought it was odd that the camera focused so much more on Finn’s face than Rey’s shortly after Han’s murder by Kylo Ren. I didn’t put this in my recent edit because the context would not be clear enough, and I think a text explanation is necessary to show what was going on. What I haven’t seen mentioned is that right after Ren killed his father Han Solo, he recognized Finn and was enraged enough to go after him despite being badly wounded.